Journal History

Jurnal Kajian Ekonomi Manajemen dan Bisnis Islam (SERAMBI) is an academic, periodical, and peer-reviewed journal published by The Institute for Development and Publication Imperium (LPMP Imperium) Indonesia. The journal is designed to provide a platform for researchers, academicians, and practitioners who are interested in new knowledge and discussing ideas, issues, and challenges in the field of Islamic economics and finance.

Vol 1, No. 1 April 2019: First Published
Vol 1, No. 2. August 2019: E-ISSN Registered, Crossred & DOI registered
Vol 2, No. 1, April 2020, Journal uses continuous publication model.
Vol 3, No. 1, January 2021: The composition of the Editor Team for the Period 2021 - 2023 is introduced
Vol 3, No. 1, January 2021: Layout Changes 

About Publisher
IMPERIUM is the Institute for Management Development and Scientific Publication which was officially established on May 16, 2018 by a group of academics and practitioners in the fields of economics, finance and management. IMPERIUM’s Management and Publication Development Agency (LPMP) is a non-profit, independent, and non-partisan institution whose main source of funding comes from grants and donations from companies, foundations, governments, and individuals.
LPMP IMPERIUM was established based on Notarial Deed: Melanie Audra Nicole Manembu, SH, M.Kn No: 13, Dated 05-25-2018 and has been approved by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights based on KUMHAM No. AHU-0007643.AH.01.04. 2018 , June 4, 2018.

Office Address
18 Office Park Lantai 25, Suite A2,
Jl. TB Simatupang No. 18, Kebagusan, Pasar Minggu,
Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta
Indonesia 12520