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ISSN Online: 2685-9904 | Issued since April 2019
Publisher Lembaga Pengembangan Manajemen dan Publikasi Imperium
Journal of Islamic Economics and Business Management (or SERAMBI) is an academic, periodical, and peer-reviewed journal published by The Imperium Research Institute. This journal collaborates explicitly with Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin State Islamic University. The journal is designed to provide a platform for researchers, academicians, and practitioners interested in new knowledge and discussing ideas, issues, and challenges in Islamic studies in economics, management, business, and finance.
SERAMBI does not serve requests for fast tract methods. Only articles that are of high quality and have high originality will be processed. SERAMBI only publishes a maximum of 10 articles per issue; acceptance rate 10-20%. SERAMBI uses the continuous method; if the editor accepts the article's decision will be immediately online without waiting for the end of the period.
Title | : | SERAMBI: Jurnal Ekonomi Manajemen dan Bisnis Islam |
Publisher | : | Lembaga Pengembangan Manajemen dan Publikasi Imperium |
Editor-in-chief | : | Prof. Dr. Suryani, Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin |
Frequency | : | Three times a year in April, August, and December. |
ISSN Online | : | 2685-9904 |
DOI | : | Prefix 10.36407 |
Accredited | : | SINTA 3 (SK Nomor 72/E/KPT/2024), Valid until Vol 10, No.1 (2028) |
Indexed by | : | Google Scholar, Garuda, MORAREF, NELITI, etc |
OAI | : | Link |
General InformationFocus and Scope
Editorial Team
Review Process
Publication Ethics
Open Access Statement
Plagiarism Screening
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Archiving Policy

Only articles that are of high quality and have high originality will be processed.
Supplement for AuthorsSOP of Management in Manuscript
Author Guidelines
Template Manuscript Doc
Online Submission
Article Processing Charge (APC)
Journal Indexed by
SERAMBI indexed by:
in Progress
Step 1: Submission
Step 2: Initial Review Editor (1-2 Weeks)
Step 3: Peer review (4 - 8 Weeks)
Step 4: Decision After Peer Review (1 Week) | Rejected, Major Revision, Minor Revision
Step 5: Revision (2 – 4 Weeks)
Step 6: Final Decision (2 Week) | Letter of Acceptance (LoA |
Step 7: Production (Layout and dan Proofread, 1-2 Weeks)
Step 8: Online
See Detail
PublisherLembaga Pengembangan Manajemen dan Publikasi Imperium
Office Address:
18 Office Park Lantai 25, Suite A2,
Jl. TB Simatupang No. 18, Kebagusan, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan
Indonesia - 12520.
Editorial Email:editorialserambi@gmail.com
Contact Person: +62 812-1345-9893 (Hendryadi)