Journal Policies / Plagiarism and Copyright Infringement
Authors are responsible for ensuring that their works are unique, and that they fully acknowledge the source of any content which is not entirely the authors’ own. The journal will check articles for plagiarism (i.e. reproducing any content without attribution and permission) using Crosscheck/iThenticate and considers the inclusion of plagiarised content to be misconduct by the authors.
All manuscripts submitted to JMSAB are screened by turnitin/plagiarism check X software to avoid plagiarism. Regarding to plagiarism policy JMSAB Editorial Team follow the rules: (1) Manuscript will be rejected if similarity index higher than 20 %. In this case, author(s) kindly advised to submit their manuscripts after revision. (2) Manuscripts will be accepted for double blind peer review process if similarity index equal to or lower than 20 % (3) All author(s) accept the above mentioned rules by submitting their manuscript to JMSAB.