Menguji Dampak Latar Belakang Pendidikan Pada Intensi Kewirausahaan Mahasiswa Menggunakan Theory of Planned Behavior

  • Andi Syaputra Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Kedirgantaraan, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Keywords: Entrepreneurial Intention, Theory of Planned Behavior, Entrepreneurial Role Model, Kewirausahaan


By taking a Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), this study examines the relationship between students' entrepreneurial, attitude (AT), subjective norms (SN), and perceived behavior control (PBC). The data used in the analysis is from 150 graduate students from 12 universities in Yogyakarta. The results indicate that attitudes and perceived behavior control significantly influenced students' entrepreneurial intentions, but not subjective norms. This study helps understand the role of a qualified educational background, namely the Master of Management in shaping entrepreneurial intentions. Finally, this study reveals the importance of examining students' entrepreneurialism in today's digital age.


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How to Cite
Syaputra, A. (2021). Menguji Dampak Latar Belakang Pendidikan Pada Intensi Kewirausahaan Mahasiswa Menggunakan Theory of Planned Behavior. Jurnal Manajemen Strategi Dan Aplikasi Bisnis, 4(1), 43 - 52.
Research Articles