Editorial Note: Implementasi dan Evaluasi Project-Based Learning
For the Teacher Education study program, media development and learning resources are compulsory subjects to provide knowledge and skills for prospective teachers to obtain adequate competence after pursuing their profession as professional educators. Teaching in this course aims to produce professionals who master technical skills (hard skills) and human abilities (soft skills). This paper describes the results of the author's evaluation to determine student perceptions regarding implementing the PjBL method in the learning process. The review shows that students have not yet experienced the benefits of PjBL. The problem of group coordination and management is still a significant issue in this regard. Furthermore, students' soft skills still need to be further developed, both by individuals and in a structured manner by the institution. For the author himself, the results of this evaluation are also feedback so that the author can design a PjBL design that pays attention to hard student skills and can improve student soft skill competencies.