Pelatihan Public Relation dalam Peningkatan Leadership of Tomorrow Pada Seminar Perhumasan Muda

  • Rahmat Arfan Politeknik Kutaraja
  • Indra Akbar Politeknik Kutaraja
  • Fitrian Rizky Politeknik Kutaraja
  • Ricky Ariansyah Politeknik Kutaraja
  • Muntasir Muntasir Politeknik Kutaraja
  • Khairul Azmy Politeknik Kutaraja
  • Desy Puspita politeknik kutaraja

Keywords: Public Relations, Communication media, digital era


The accelerated development of communication media requires numerous changes and adjustments in all fields, particularly in communication departments that link internal and external organizations. The main problem with the media today is that so much false information, or hoaxes, must be investigated further to determine its veracity. At least within the scope of the organization they manage, it is a requirement for public relations to be able to suppress any information that develops in society. This training utilizes the lecture method and several case studies presented during the training process. The outcomes of this training are that participants comprehend and can enhance their media communication skills for countering fake news and addressing media developments.


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How to Cite
Arfan, R., Akbar, I., Rizky, F., Ariansyah, R., Muntasir, M., Azmy, K., & Puspita, D. (2023). Pelatihan Public Relation dalam Peningkatan Leadership of Tomorrow Pada Seminar Perhumasan Muda. BERDAYA: Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 5(3), 179 - 187.